CV Administratief medewerker / Programmeur Amsterdam


Geslacht: Vrouw

Leeftijd: 57

Woonplaats: Amsterdam

Kennis, opleidingen en ervaring:

Opleiding: HBO/ HTS

Stages en werkervaring: TEACHING EXPERIENCE
Media College Amsterdam
PHP Teacher Back-End development
2010 - 2011
Duties included: Writing Technical Documents and teaching High School students how to program in PHP.

Heather Nova
Freelance Webmaster / Web Developer 2009 – 2011

Web design and maintenance of Heather Nova’s official site at

Vakantiepunten B.V., Amsterdam
Freelance programmer / database engineer

2006 – 2009

Maintenance of a dedicated MS-Windows server, including programming .NET applications

Various clients
Freelance programmer / database engineer

2006 – 2014

Repair of web applications and maintaining MySQL databases, including back-ups' and taking care of security.

Freelance programmer / database engineer

2006 – 2014

Creating and maintaining websites & offering workshops about Horizon QCMS, a CMS/CRM system I programmed in PHP with its own framework.

Sites includes:


Hotel of Death: the chosen one

Richard McKenna is an author on the cusp of writing his third and final book. However, things get a little waylaid when the truth comes out. He flees to Boston, to lick his wounds, heal and unwind. However, the Hotel he is staying at isn't so quiet because his room is haunted. He feels like a pawn, who moves around the board, with someone always telling him, you can trust me. But who can Richard really trust? After all, isn't everyone out for their own interest and self-promotion? And since when can any vampire be trusted? More importantly: will he survive? And what is all this talk about an ancient curse and the book of the dead? Only one thing he knows for sure: he’s the chosen one to end the curse.

Published in 2015

The Black Widow

A bomb goes off at the Boston Marathon and Jack Hunter and Catherine Crews finds themselves at the center of the carnage. As the regular human law enforcement agencies get to work, under Jack's command, Catherine and her team at Nightbird intervene when one of their own is killed by a new foe; the Black Widow! How is the Black Widow linked with the attack? And what are the Black Widow's true motives? Once again, Catherine's aunt, Sybil Crewes embarks on a dangerous course of action that will bring her face-to-face with the Black Widow who joined hands with terrorists.

Published in 2016

Ghost Stories

Experience the stories that compel you to keep turning the pages while reading this collection of eerie spine-tingling tales with lots of spookiness!

1 The Old Mansion
2 Some Soldiers Dream of Peace
3 Footsteps in the Dark
4 The House by the Cemetery
5 Anger
6 The Day Before Christmas

Published in 2016


Dr. Josef Mengele—the Angel of Death—has escaped from Hell! Posing as a physician, he programs his patients to do as he commands, transforming them into living bombs, and ultimately creates a new world order.

Sybil Crewes is a vampire trying to escape her fate. She refuses to feed on humans, pulls her own fangs, and injects liquid silver in an effort to remain “human.” When she discovers Mengele’s terrible plan, however, she knows she must stop him at any cost. Embracing her savage nature, she embarks on a dangerous course of action that will bring her face-to-face with the deadly doctor . . . and the monster within.

Published in 2017

The Lost Planet

It’s July 4, 2094. Major Tony Norman wakes up next to the lovely Jessica—a sexy security officer from Logan Airport. Tony doesn’t know it yet, but needing an oxygen mask just to walk outside is the least of his worries when an alien fleet encounter space station Peacekeeper at Saturn. The high council orders him to find a way to communicate with the aliens. But when they destroy Peacekeeper, Tony fears the only language the aliens know is war! Meanwhile, the alien supreme commander, Ilg, is obsessed with dinosaurs and pet humans. But when Ilg finds out about the nuclear threat humans pose to the alien empire Ilg represents, he knows he has to take drastic measures to eliminate the threat. Will the world fall apart in this deadly game of chess between the aliens and humans, with Tony and his new girlfriend, Jessica, stuck in between? Why is Supreme Commander Ilg so obsessed with dinosaurs?

Published in 2017

De Uitverkorene

Na het succes van zijn eerste boek lukt het Richard McKenna maar niet aan zijn tweede toe te komen. Hij geniet liever van alle vrouwelijke aandacht en droomt ervan om met Glory, de vrouw van zijn uitgever, te trouwen. Die droom valt aan diggelen wanneer haar man daar achterkomt. Met de dood bedreigd, vlucht Richard naar Boston.
Het hotel waar hij verblijft, is niet zo rustig als het lijkt en opnieuw staat zijn leven op het spel. Richard beseft dat hij een pion is op een dodelijk schaakspel. Opgejaagd door vampiers, geesten, terroristen en zombies, wil hij het liefst in een veilig hoekje wegkruipen tot het voorbij is. De enige die hem wil helpen, is de aantrekkelijke vampier Sybil Crewes, maar ook zij lijkt er een eigen, dodelijke agenda op na te houden.
Maar sinds wanneer kun je een vampier vertrouwen? Wat belangrijker is: zal hij het overleven? Wat is al dat gepraat over een oude vloek en het boek van de doden, ''De Necronomicon''?

Cynthia Fridsma zal liefhebbers van vampiers en zombies ongetwijfeld weten te boeien met haar vlot geschreven horror-thriller De Uitverkorene.

Published in 2017

Opleidingen en cursussen: ROC, Utrecht
Application Programmer

Specialized in PHP back-end programming, and MS-Windows programming

ECABO, Amsterdam
Commercial Administrative Assistant

ECABO, Amsterdam
Administrative assistant 1990

Diploma to take Meeting Minutes
Diploma Type Writing
ABN AMRO Bank Password Agent Electronic Banking

ABN AMRO Bank Service Desk First Line Technical Support Electronic Banking
ABN AMRO Bank Service Desk Second Line Technical Support Electronic Banking
ABN AMRO Bank Basic Course Investing

Overige informatie:

Rijbewijs: B

Eigen vervoer: Nee

Persoonlijke eigenschappen: [Dutch – native language]
[American English – speak fluently and read/write with high proficiency]

Hobby's en interesses: Creating computer animations, using professional 3D animation software like Carrara Pro 8.5, play the guitar, creative writing, cooking, computer programming (PHP / Windows Applications)

Gewenste contractvorm: Parttime

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