CV italian kok expecializend in italian spanish cuisine Amsterdam


Geslacht: Man

Leeftijd: 49

Woonplaats: Amsterdam

Kennis, opleidingen en ervaring:

Opleiding: MBO/ MTS

Stages en werkervaring: Work experience
Date: 01-05-2011 - 01-10-2011
Occupation: chef
Main activities: cooks management, cook
Name and address of employer: SAGAPO’ restaurant – Italy-

Dates: 11-12-2010 - 07-04-2011
Occupation: chef/cook
Main acivities and responsabilities: preparation of Italian recepies
Name and address of employer: Il Gusto , javaplain, Amsterdam

Dates: 06/04/2009 - 15/11/2010

Occupation or position held: chef, pizza chef, bread maker, empanadas y focacce.

Main activities and responsibilities: chef, preparation of Italian dishes, pizzaiolo, catering management.

Name and address of employer: MORDI E FUGGI, via Lequile (Lecce, Italy)

Type of business or sector : restaurant sector

Dates 06/11/2008 – 31-12-2008

Occupation or position held: sous chef – special job for Christmas-

Main activities and responsibilities: preparation of Spanish and Italian dishes, special Christmas cakes, crepes

Name and address of employer: La Bottega, A Coruna, Spain

Type of business or sector: Restaurant sector

Dates 14/12/2007 – 12/08/2008

Occupation or position held: pizzaiolo

Main activities and responsibilities: Pizzaiolo, bread, and empanadas.

Name and address of employer: Pizza Tutto, Genaral Sanjurjo street

Type of business or sector: Pizzeria

Dates 13/01/2005 - 05/04/2005

Occupation or position held: Sous Chef

Main activities and responsibilities: preparation of breakfast and tapas

Name and address of employer: Gambalache, A Coruna.

Type of business or sector: Restauration

Opleidingen en cursussen: finger food course in Rome

Education and training

Dates 07/11/1997 - 17/07/2002

Title of qualification awarded LAW DEGREE

Principal subjects / occupational skills

Name and type of organisation/ providing education and training



Level in national or international classification

COURSE: Course in Italian Slow Food. The Philosophy of good, healthy cuisine. -2010- Lecce.

Overige informatie:

Rijbewijs: Geen

Eigen vervoer: Nee

Persoonlijke eigenschappen: i WORK VERY WELL IN GROUP

Hobby's en interesses:

Gewenste contractvorm: Detacheren

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