CV Architect, aannemer, timmerman, meubelmaker, philosoof Amsterdam


Geslacht: Man

Leeftijd: 42

Woonplaats: Amsterdam

Kennis, opleidingen en ervaring:

Opleiding: Universitair

Stages en werkervaring: I designed a restructuring renovation plan for the top apartment of a 5-story house on the Herengracht, number 390 in Amsterdam. Since the house is an official monument, the renovation must follow a strict set of rules.
I’m participating in the labour too, as a carpenter. We stripped the roof, added new insulation and woodwork. We’re building a terrace in between two pitched roofs, adding 20 m2 of floor space to the apartment, and an outside space of 9 m2.

January 2012- June 2012
We built a 5 meter deep house expansion on the Van Ostadestraat, number 82, in Amsterdam. The groundfloor used to be an atelier for a sculptor, concrete floor, bare, one big space.
We levelled laid a wooden floor, built a kitchen and bathroom, separated the space in two, for a 30 m2 workspace in the front and a 30 m2 livingroom and kitchen in the back. We extended the innerspace, 5 meters into the garden and created the bedroom.
We were designing while building, in a very informal way, and the result is anti- design, informal, and very liveable.

March 2011- January 2012
Aurora Architects

Aurora- Architects is one of the very few modern architecture firms in Suriname. They mainly design for the tourist industry. From high-end resorts as Waterland, Hotel interiors, to foreign owned villa’s.
I was the architect of the spa/ swimming pools of Waterland Resort, and of two villa’s in Paramaribo.
I was responsible for the design, technical drawings, contact with the client, the contractors, and sometimes the subcontractors. SO as an architect, I also played the role of contractor from time to time. We were on site almost daily, to stay in control of the buildingprocess.

July 2010- March 2011 Café Le Patron
I worked as a bartender.

July 2010- Oktober 2010
Huiswerkklas Over

I worked as a tutor in mathematics and physics.
January 2010- June 2010
Architectuurstudio HH

I did an internship a Architectuurstudio HH. I was put in the interior- design corner, assisting the interior designers with project ‘Faculteit Betawetenschappen Utrecht’.
I worked on models for several competitions such as the new ‘Dans en Muziek centrum’ in Den Hague, that we lost against RAU, Neutelings Riedijk and Zaha Hadid, and the expansion of ‘Vredenburg

Oktober 2007- March 2009
City council Oost

During the biggest part of my studies in Delft I worked part time at the Amsterdam City Council of Oost as a Junior Urban Designer.
Mainly I worked on redevelopement area Eenhoorn, but also on the Oosterpark Zeeburgia, Jeruzalem, the Wibautstraat and the Wibaut-Campus.

March 2004- July 2004
Soeters van Eldonk Ponec Architecten

I did my first internship at Soeters Van Eldonk Ponec Architecten.
I worked on ‘Paradeplan, Bergen op Zoom, the extra staircases of the Arena in Amsterdam and Sluseholmen in Kopenhagen.

Opleidingen en cursussen: September 2010- now
Furniture craft school level 2
‘Hout en Meubilerings College’ in Amsterdam

September 2010- March 2011
Orientation year ‘Rietveld Art Academy’
‘Rietveld Academie’ in Amsterdam

October 2009- December 2009
I lived in Madrid, studying Spanish and arranging business-deals for Spanish shoes that I imported and sold in Amsterdam.

September 2006- September 2009
Master of Science in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences
At the Technical University of Delft, Title: Engineer (Ir.) / Architect

July 2005- September 2006
I took this year of to travel from Costa Rica to Mexico. This took me 4 months. In the months prior I learned Spanish in San Jose, Costa Rica, and I did several jobs in Amsterdam to save some money.

September 2003- July 2005
Bachelor in Building Sciences, Urbanism
At the ‘Hogeschool van Amsterdam’, Title: Engineer (Ing.) Urban Designer

September 2003- March 2004
Orientation semester ‘Academie van Bouwkunst’
At the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam
I passed the semester and was admitted for the academy

September 2001- July 2003
Preparatory Buiding Sciences
At the ‘Hogeschool van Amsterdam’

September 1995- July 2001
VWO high school Diploma
At the Barlaeus Gymnasium in Amsterdam
Subjects: Math. A, B, Physics, Geagraphy, History, Dutch, English, Greek

Overige informatie:

Rijbewijs: B

Eigen vervoer: Nee

Persoonlijke eigenschappen: Ik ben een doorzetter en afmaker, harde werker, snelle leerling en ben ambitieus.

Hobby's en interesses:

Gewenste contractvorm: Fulltime

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