CV Marketing & Communications Director Amsterdam
Geslacht: Man
Leeftijd: 52
Woonplaats: Amsterdam
Kennis, opleidingen en ervaring:
Opleiding: Universitair
Stages en werkervaring: Dates Feb 2012 today
Name of employer NILFISK ADVANCE SPA, Piacenza, Italy
Type of business or sector Industrial & Professional cleaning equipment
Occupation or position held Marketing & Communications Director
Main activities and responsibilities
Accomplishing marketing and sales objectives by planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating advertising, merchandising, and trade promotion programs (both offline and online, through social media, mobile channels and new virtual platforms); developing field sales action plans. Identifying marketing opportunities by classifying consumer requirements; defining market, competitor's share, and competitor's strengths and weaknesses; forecasting projected business; establishing targeted market share.
Improving product marketability and profitability by researching, identifying, and capitalizing on market opportunities; improving product packaging; coordinating new product development.
Handling national Corporate Communications (both internal and external) strategies according to medium term Headquarters international guidelines
Dates Aug 2011 Jan 2012
Name of employer Self-employed
Type of business or sector Consultancy
Occupation or position held Consultant at AXA Assicurazioni SPA, Milan, Italy (references available)
Main activities and responsibilities
Strategic consultancy at AXA Assicurazioni Marketing Department (Brand, Advertising, Sponsoring and Digital Communication Division) on internal digital marketing and branding related projects, with a strong focus on end user new multi-access approach (internet and mobile), social media as well as new operational segmentation architecture towards intermediary network (Agents)
Dates Mar 2011 Jul 2011 (temporary as replacement due to maternity leave)
Name of employer AXA Assicurazioni SPA, Milan Type of business or sector Insurance
Occupation or position held Head of Internal Communications
Main activities and responsibilities
Internal editorial activity management: bimonthly house organ for both employees and agents, monthly e-newsletter on behalf of Chief Executive Officer (from content to publishing). Managing of organisational Change Management related internal activities. AXA Group (both at International and Regional level) internal communications project rollout management. Internal event organisational activity management. Intranet management (from content to publishing). Managing of on demand ad hoc Department needs towards projects involving internal communication aspects.
Dates Jan 2001 Jan 2011
Name of employer Allianz Global Assistance
Type of business or sector Insurance and assistance services
Occupation or position held Head of Corporate Communications, Marketing and CSR
Main activities and responsibilities
Management of strategic communications plan which led to the merger of Elvia Italia SPA with CEA Compagnia Europea di Assicurazione SPA (travel insurance and assistance services).
PR & media relations, communications mix, both corporate and product, BtoB and BtoC, ATL and BTL, internal communications, on-line and off-line, advertising campaign, corporate event management, brand communication, sales promotion and direct marketing. Planning and support to the launch of the newest BtoC e-commerce website. Member of Board of Directors since January 2008 (reporting directly to CEO). As a founder, member of both Group Branding Committee (since 2002) and Mondial Assistance Group CSR council (since 2006)
Dates Jan- Dec 2000
Name of employer Burson Marsteller Financial
Type of business or sector Financial Communication Consultancy
Occupation or position held Senior Associate
Main activities and responsibilities
Media Relations for BM main financial corporate clients: Citigroup, Fin.Eco Investimenti, Crediop (DEXIA Group), 3i Europe plc. Media positioning, key messages creation & circulation, CEO reputation, crisis management. Marketing consultancy on financial products: Citibank Warrant, Citibank Private Bank, Global Consumer Group (Citifin) and SSB Citi Asset Management (investment funds)
Opleidingen en cursussen:
Overige informatie:
Rijbewijs: A,B
Eigen vervoer: Nee
Persoonlijke eigenschappen:
Hobby's en interesses:
Gewenste contractvorm: Detacheren
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