CV Sales Coordinator Amsterdam


Geslacht: Vrouw

Leeftijd: 38

Woonplaats: Amsterdam

Kennis, opleidingen en ervaring:

Opleiding: HBO/ HTS

Stages en werkervaring: PVH Corp., Amsterdam (The Netherlands) Job title: Sales Coordinator People’s Place Job description:
- Setting up a sales plan for People’s Place and People’s Place Catering; -
- Customer relationship management;
- Ensure that all processes and procedures are completed, quality standards are met, and that events are profitable;
- Provide regular two-way communication between the client and team.
- Setting up a marketing plan;
- Business networking.
TravelBird, Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
Creating sales contracts and selling regulations;
Generate sales and reach the company's sales target
02/2014 - 04/2014
Job title: Account Job description:
- - - -
Manager Belgium
Identify new sales opportunities, create accounts;
Generate sales for a portfolio of accounts and reach the company's sales target;
Customer relationship management;
Ensure that all processes and procedures are completed, quality standards are met, and that projects are profitable;
Provide regular two-way communication between the client and team.
06/2013 - 09/2013
02/2012 - 08/2012
Swissport, Zaventem (Belgium) Job title: Ground Stewardess. Job description:
- Checking-in of passengers;
- Providing flight departure and arrival information;
- Boarding of passengers;
- Assisting unaccompanied minors;
- Working in a stressful (client services) environment;
- Irregular working hours.
AQ Services International, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Job title: Assistant Business Manager (internship). Job description:
- Project planning of different accounts;
- Recruiting and scheduling mystery shoppers for designated assignments;
- Developing training guidelines for mystery shoppers;
- Giving instructions to mystery shoppers;
- Reviewing reports of mystery shoppers;
- Handling mystery shoppers queries for any fieldwork or payment related matters;
- Ensuring client reporting was completed on time and up to the company’s quality standards;
- Communicating effectively with clients to identify needs;
- Resolving client queries adequately;
- Making client invoices.

Opleidingen en cursussen: Event, Leisure and Travel Management, Business School Notenboom Maastricht (The Netherlands) Level: Bachelor
Specialization: Business Events
Diploma obtained: September 2013

Overige informatie:

Rijbewijs: B

Eigen vervoer: Nee

Persoonlijke eigenschappen: I am a hardworking, adaptable, and dependable individual. I am well organized and resourceful and I am always eager to expand my knowledge. As a starter with experience in hospitality management, I am an excellent teamplayer who always tries to be helpful. It is my belief that everyone is unique. These qualities allow me to shine in my own way.

Hobby's en interesses:

Gewenste contractvorm: Tijdelijk

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